Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Smile Bright :D

Everywhere I go I am constantly being asked if I got my teeth professionally whitened, and to many peoples’ surprise I have not had them professionally whitened but do have some amazing tips to help your teeth look amazingly white.  Pearly white teeth are always in season, and not only are they the perfect accessory for a night out on the town they are important to our daily lives, and should be treated so.  Look at our parents’ generation and our grandparents’ generations : they’re teeth are all HORRIBLE (no offense guys).  It’s not all their fault that dentistry and orthodontics have only become popular in the past 25-30 years.  Since the popularity of extremely white teeth has grown, every single person out there wants them.  Some people spend thousands on veneers to achieve that perfect look, while others spend hundreds on whitening processes at the dentist.  Well ladies and gentlemen I do neither of them and am happy to share my secrets with you!

I have been obsessed with my teeth ever since I got braces.  I was one of the unfortunate kids who got their braces a little later than everyone else and had them on much longer too.  During the 5 years that I had braces I saw so many people getting them off and revealing teeth that were yellowed and stained from not brushing enough.  That was it for me.  From that day on I have brushed my teeth an abnormal amount of times; call it an OCD I call it showing my teeth some love.  The day I got my braces off my teeth looked insanely white, and I was more than happy with my results.  After having the braces on for 5 years, and spending thousands in orthodontist fees (thanks Mom and Dad) I had perfect teeth, and hoped to keep them that way forever.   I’d say to this day my smile is one of my favorite attributes so here are some of the things I use to ensure I keep these puppies pearly ;)

Listerine Whitening Pre Brush Mouthwash – this right here is a gift sent directly from the gods.  I tried this stuff right when it first came out on the market and have been hooked ever since, for good reason.  I swear by this stuff and promote it to anyone who asks about my teeth.  You use this stuff before you brush your teeth and I am not lying when I say your teeth look instantly whiter in just one use, this stuff is just THAT good.  Not only does it whiten your teeth, but it makes your teeth feel much cleaner than just brushing alone.  Also because it is a Listerine product it freshens while it whitens, making for a perfect combination.  Use this every time before you brush your teeth and you will notice immediate results

Luster NOW! Instant Whitening Toothpaste – when I am not using my usual Crest whitening toothpaste, this is my go to.  This product is infused with “BluveriteTM technology” making teeth appear to be whiter in just one use, and also providing intense stain removal with regular use.  Sometimes it looks like there is blue on your teeth but simply rinse your mouth out with water and reveal your pearly whites.  I read about this toothpaste in Cosmo and was immediately intrigued, even though my teeth are paper white.  I ordered it off Amazon and upon arrival was overjoyed at the wicked cute packaging!  Upon trying I wouldn’t say that this stuff made my teeth look completely different, but it did seem to make my teeth look whiter than usual but after a couple uses I noticed my teeth looking squeaky clean and pearly white, both pluses!  You got nothing to lose, and if you’re trying to whiten your teeth without the outrageous cost try this stuff out!  Just a quick tip: continue to use regular toothpaste too.

Crest 3D Whitening Strips – when I do want a little boost in the appearance of my teeth these are my go to.  If you have never tried white strips, be warned that they take a little getting used to.  They are basically like a thin piece of tape covered in a sort of film that you place over your teeth.  They taste a little weird, and sometimes are not too comfortable to wear, but we can sacrifice 30 minutes for beauty right?  I do not use these everyday due to the fact that I have sensitive teeth so I only use them when I really want my teeth to glow.  I would advise not using them all the time because they break down the protective barrier on your teeth known as enamel and also make them very sensitive, so keep the usage to a minimum.  I have tried all the different versions Crest has put out, and these are definitely my favorite because you notice a difference right when you take the strip off.  These are a tad expensive but much cheaper than getting your teeth professionally whitened so try it out you have nothing to lose.

California Kissin Lip Shine – you must be wondering what a lip gloss is doing on this list, but this gloss by Benefit is something that is one of a kind and a must try!  This comes in an aqua-blue color (weird I know) and claims to make teeth look whiter when it is on, which I can vouch for and say it does.  This lipgloss is super shiny and has a little sparkle to it which I love.  It also comes in a minty fresh scent that smells amazing and feels even better as it soothes and cools your lips.  Although in the package it looks blue, this formula comes out more clear and shiny with small blue specks in it.  I absolutely love this stuff because it makes my lips look amazing, and when contrasted against my white teeth it makes them look glowing, and brilliantly white.  I like wearing this alone because I love the look it gives my lips, but pair this over another lipgloss or lipstick and the results will be amazing.  This puppy can take a normal lipsticked pout to a wow, luscious, kissable pout.  Unlike a lot of other lipglosses this is NOT sticky or gooey but rather soothing and smooth on your lips.  I love this stuff, and yet again prove that Benefit can do no wrong in my book!

- Kristen


  1. the listerine rinse is my fav use it every day and every night before I brush..i was concerned it wasn't really making much of a difference until my dentist asked me what do I use bc my teeth were a very nice shade of white :) good to hear from the dentist what pretty white teeth u have so id def suggest this one!

  2. thank you for sharing your thought anna! i agree this stuff is AMAZING :)
