Do you ever feel like you spend a good hundred dollars on getting your hair colored only to notice that the color is faded in about a month? I always have this problem and am constantly looking for something to help boost that color that I so desperately want my hair to have. I have tried everything from glazes to shampoos and nothing has seemed to work. That is until I stumbled upon an article detailing natural ways to boost the color of your hair. Here are some ideas I want to share with you. Try it out and see if your hair color is as brilliant as it was the day you got it done.
What you will need: A half cup of cocoa, a half cup of plain yogurt, 1 teaspoon of honey, and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.
Steps: Mix all the items into a paste. Next shampoo your hair and thoroughly rinse it, then apply the paste liberally to hair. Keep it on for 2 to 3 minutes, and make sure you drape a towel over your shoulders because the formula may stain. Rinse it out and style as usual. You should notice your brown hair looking brilliant and extremely shiny.
Why it works: Cocoa helps to make browns look deeper and richer. Honey is used to moisturize your hair while the yogurt and vinegar penetrate the hair shaft, which in turn allows the cocoa’s brown pigment to sink into your strands.
What you’ll need: A lemon, potato and chamomile tea.
Steps: Squeeze the juice from the lemon and grate the potato so that it is extremely fine. Blend the two concoctions together and form a paste. After the paste is made add a ½ cup of room temperature chamomile tea and stir it all together. Shampoo your hair, wash thoroughly and make sure you squeeze all excess water out. Apply the mask to your hair and massage it gently into your head. Cover your hair with a shower cap and blast your strands with a hairdryer for 2-3 minutes. Rinse out and style as usual.
Why it works: Lemon, tea, and potato enhance sunny shades. The lemon and the tea kind of act like a crest white strip, except for your hair. The acid from the lemon juice allows the potato enzymes to break through the outer layer of hair, penetrating, and resulting in a rich blonde.
What you will need: 3 medium sized carrots, ½ cup of cranberries, 3 tablespoons of plain yogurt, and 2 tablespoons of honey.
Steps: Blend your carrots or put them in a food processor so as to achieve a past like substance or really finely chopped carrots. Add the berries, honey, and the yogurt and blend well until everything is mixed together into a paste. Shampoo your hair first, squeeze out excess water, and apply the mask to hair. Leave it in for 1-2 minutes then wash out and style as normal.
Why it works: Carrots and berries help to boost the red color in hair. The lactic acid in the yogurt allows the coloring antioxidants in the berries and carrots get past the first layer of your hair, allowing for the color to really sink in.
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